VDGT version 1.9
Visual Design Good Things (VDGT) is an ActiveX control containing:
VDAMon v1.4 
Interface to API functions & callbacks not directly available in
Visual Basic.
VDAMon contains some features found in DBAppMon.VBX
and a whole lot of new ones. List of features:
- Background threads to monitor processes being created and destroyed.
- Message Blaster functionality: handle window messages in VB.
- Hotkey support.
- Taskbar / Tray Icon support.
- CBT hook callback: get an event each time a window anywhere in
the system is: created, moved, resized, activated or destroyed!
- TaskList. Find out all processes running on the
system with a single method call.
- Overview.
- View documentation.
VDPush v1.3 
Push button control with numerous bells-and-whistles.
VDPush is the 32-bit OLE Control sequel to DBPush.VBX.
New features include:
- Adjustable DropLength.
- Templates: load and save your favorite look-and-feel on disk in design mode.
- Cancel & Default properties if the control container supports it (like VB4 does).
VDPush will correctly render itself as the default button when appropriate.
- Win95 look-and-feel (classic style is still supported).
- 13 predefined pictures.
- Value property.
- Optional caching of transparent picture masks to improve redrawing time.
- View documentation.
VDTTip v1.1
Tool Tip control. Support for irregular shaped bubbles. No
programming needed, but a full programmatic interface exists if total control is desired.
VDTTip is the 32-bit OLE Control sequel to DBTTip.VBX.
- It's no longer necessary to include a WMF if you only want a solid rectangle background.
- Won't work application wide. You'll have to include a VDTTip on each form containing
Tool Tips.
- View documentation.
VDGT version 1.9
VBX Custom controls
Visual Design Softscape AB has released four VBX custom controls for Visual Basic. All
four have been released as freeware and may distributed without any royalty fee. Download
any of them to try it out, or just view the documentation first.
Custom Controls for Visual Basic/16