Visual Design Softscape  AB
vdCarsRules & Regulations
© 1996 Visual Design Softscape AB
114 players
last month
vdCars vdQix vdTraffic

Triathlon Heroes

  Total     vdCars vdQix vdTraffic
Rank Score Name Date Rank TriScore Rank TriScore Rank TriScore
1 744 LadyDi 2003-06-15 8 716 20 517 1 1000
2 480 recess rocks 2007-12-17 1 1000 - - 28 441
3 351 mash 2002-11-17 44 339 8 716 - -
4 315 TSM 2004-10-18 84 204 - - 7 742
5 256 URIX 1997-09-10 15 582 91 188 - -
6 188 Joatster 2002-10-29 39 366 86 199 - -
7 186 xRAVERx 2002-05-30 37 378 - - 94 182
8 117 Anna 2001-06-10 77 221 125 130 - -

vdCars Hall of Fame

Rank Score Name Quote Date
1 12120 recess rocks Here comes th nxt contestnt 2007-12-17
2 12120 Ed I am the greatest 1999-11-02
3 11660 Big Ed Booooooo-yaaaaaahh!! 2003-03-28
4 11660 Big Ed Booooooo-yaaaaaahh!! 2003-04-09
5 11660 Big Ed Boooooooo-yaaaaaahh!! 2003-04-14
6 11640 WILL There's a new sheriff in town 2001-07-06
7 11630 Ron Whatever 1998-03-20
8 11620 LadyDi movin' up 1999-11-12
9 11500 LadyDi Would be higher if no bugs! 1999-09-07
10 11470 Ron Bug! Bug! Watch this vanish 1998-03-20
11 11350 recess rocks Ten years too late. 2007-12-17
12 11220 Ron 1998-03-24
13 11140 will oh crap, the same score 2001-08-08
14 11140 WILL PATIENTS 2001-08-07
15 11070 URIX Could be better? 1997-09-09
16 11000 URIX ! KING ! ACE ! JOKER ! SUPER 1997-09-03
17 10850 URIX <B> ACE <B> 1997-04-22
18 10280 LadyDi 1999-09-05
19 9620 nathan i beat the freak too 1997-11-19
20 9330 JOSH YEAH 1997-11-17
21 8450 josh I beat the freak , yeah! 1997-11-14
22 7280 recess rocks Sleep is for dead people... 2007-12-17
23 7070 Ed yeah baby 1999-10-26
24 7020 JOSH BLOODY 9TH! 1997-11-17
25 6880 Ed not bad 1999-10-26
26 6870 THOMO NOFX AND BLINK ARE GOOD 1997-11-26
27 4860 XXMASTERXX I TRY 2002-05-29
28 4800 Josh Martin SHIT! 1997-11-11
29 4730 Nixon streut 1997-03-11
30 4710 Nixon XXXXX 1997-03-13
31 4690 Lawrence Haha Kelvin 1997-04-23
32 4690 Anita UIRX, never heard of him! 1997-03-13
33 4690 Mats Ace of spades 1997-01-28
34 4650 jaysen 1998-03-27
35 4630 Jonas Come on you oddballs 1996-10-11
36 4590 Sune Haka Mega king 2009-01-14
37 4550 xRAVERx Much 2002-05-30
38 4550 Mats Stock center rules!!! 1997-01-24
39 4540 eddie 1998-04-30
40 4530 Joatster Woo Hoo! 2002-10-29
41 4510 ROGIER I'm back soon....!!!! 1996-12-02
42 4480 ryan this is fuct 1999-07-22
43 4470 Wiran Vrooom 1996-10-15
44 4460 Ace There can be only one 1996-10-16
45 4400 mash 2002-11-17
46 4390 Wiran 2003-04-05
47 4360 Kelvin Tang Heeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaa 1997-04-19
48 4320 joshfdgbdytrfjngdf 1998-05-22
49 4280 Kelvin Heeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaa 1997-05-11
50 4270 urmas that's cool 1997-04-22
51 4240 Bävern Stor fin svans 2009-01-17
52 4230 thomo blink 182 rule 1997-11-25
53 4200 Tomas Sakalauskas 1997-04-18
54 3820 joatster Woo Hoo! 2002-07-22
55 3740 Mats Stock center rules 1997-01-24
56 3660 TP TP 1997-09-30
57 3660 Net Surfer 1996-10-13
58 3660 Bävern Svans Kalbsfleisch 2009-01-17
59 3650 Jonas To easy.... 1996-10-10
60 3640 Joatster Woo Hoo! 2002-10-29
61 3630 eddie no doubt rulres 1998-04-02
62 3630 shawn u suck 1998-05-27
63 3620 xRAVERx CHRIS 2002-05-15
64 3610 TICHE85 TTTT 2001-06-02
65 3610 Josh Chris We are a coming 1997-11-02
66 3610 ROGIER I'm back soon....!!!! 1996-12-02
67 3600 Jonas Easyman 1996-10-10
68 3560 Net Surfer 1996-10-13
69 3540 Net Surfer Going for the top 1996-10-11
70 3520 popye going good 1998-11-06
71 3510 mash 2002-11-14
72 3500 Richard Wong 1998-12-02
73 3500 UH HUH IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BENJIS 1998-05-10
74 3500 animesh 1997-10-15
75 3500 Kique One Step Up 1997-04-27
76 3490 mike start shi* don't eat it 1998-05-21
77 3490 blue Jazz cHECK it Out! 1997-09-01
78 3490 Wiran 2003-04-01
79 3490 Jeronimo ez as pie 2003-05-24
80 3480 Anna I getting there 1997-12-23
81 3480 Ace There can be only one!!! 1996-10-11
82 3480 THICHE57 WRAOUMMMMM 2001-05-17
83 3480 Sven-Erik juba hakkab minema 1997-01-11
84 3470 Kique One Step Down 1997-04-27
85 3470 eddie 1998-04-03
86 3460 mash 2002-11-14
87 3460 TP TP 1997-09-29
88 3460 TSM HU 2004-04-05
89 3450 THICHE57 2001-05-18
90 3450 Wiran 2002-12-01
91 3450 Jontys squatting pig But never on Fridays! 1997-04-24
92 3450 jr whoopee 1997-11-20
93 3440 animesh 1997-10-20
94 3440 foss cool 1999-02-22
95 3430 pok hiu shingh fghgfhfth 1997-11-01
96 3430 DanMan I'm getting there 1997-05-22
97 3420 Urban 1996-11-10
98 3420 joshy sugur and fat and all things c 1998-05-30
99 3420 Anton is that fun? 1997-04-23
100 3410 PHS FH 1997-11-02
101 3410 ROGIER I'm back soon...! 1996-10-29
102 3410 Kelvin Tang Heeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaa 1997-04-19
103 3410 Kique Up One Step 1997-04-26
104 3410 Chan Shun Wai Good !!! 1997-05-04
105 3410 TSM HU 2004-04-15
106 3400 popye doing better 1998-11-06
107 3390 das wow 1997-07-28
108 3390 Jerry 1998-05-06
109 3390 LAKAL OK 1997-05-03
110 3380 Marco_S Two More 1998-11-17
111 3380 Wiran 1996-10-12
112 3380 Kelvin Heeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaa 1997-05-10
113 3380 popye geeps 1998-11-13
114 3380 TSM HU 2004-04-15
115 3370 nikolai l 1999-05-10
116 3370 patrick 1998-11-10
117 3370 DanMan Ahhhhhhh 1997-05-22
118 3370 radha 1997-05-12
119 3360 CAT A 1998-05-27
120 3360 nikolai d]d 1999-05-13
121 3360 mergim yes 2002-11-16
122 3360 radha its really fun 1997-05-02
123 3350 Wiran 1996-10-09
124 3350 Chan Shun Wai Good !!! 1997-05-04
125 3350 Chris Bennett R u guys hoked on dis game? 1997-05-22
126 3350 MatHui Cool 1997-07-23
127 3350 Rob Nadeau 3350 is what im talking about 2004-05-10
128 3350 p u 2002-07-09
129 3340 radha 1997-05-06
130 3340 radha 1997-05-06
131 3340 vimme vimme 2001-08-20
132 3330 almost 1997-07-17
133 3330 salman like games 2005-02-24
134 3330 hhhh 1998-04-04
135 3330 Rikard Engqvist SORBUS 1997-06-26
136 3320 DanTheMan I'm up there 1997-05-21
137 3320 thomo nofx rule 1997-11-25
138 3320 Dinosaur Will be better again 1997-09-19
139 3310 Bengan Yes !!! 1996-09-26
140 3310 Jontys Farmy Farmer Farm oh arh oh arh oh aye 1997-04-24
141 3310 DanMan Visit my page!!! 1997-05-22
142 3310 ttt yyyyyyyyy 1998-03-28
143 3310 re2r] g4eg 1999-05-19
144 3300 Kelvin Tang Heeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaa 1997-04-19
145 3300 animesh 1997-10-03
146 3300 Mandy Lifeboats 2001-11-09
147 3300 Adriene 2001-05-25
148 3290 Judit 1996-12-08
149 3290 saschadavey hotdog 1999-02-05
150 3290 shawn 1998-05-27
151 3290 Timo Huitti Im Getting Better 1997-05-22
152 3290 Jimmy Climbing watchout Urix 1997-09-16
153 3180 DEK David_Efrain_Katrina 2006-04-04
154 3100 santos wat up 2005-12-09
155 3050 Regili Getting there 2008-06-12
156 3000 Greennud Ya 2005-08-05
157 2890 David I luv Katrina 2006-04-12
158 2270 ss ss 2005-03-19
159 2230 Dean 2005-05-19
160 2220 David 4 shizzle my drizzle 2006-03-21
161 2150 Nicolas 2005-06-01
162 2150 labre Dorko 2007-11-22
163 2140 Mad Mats * * * * * * * * W H A T * * * * * * * 2006-04-20
164 2110 NicoNicolas 2005-06-07
165 2100 David im the worstested 2006-03-21
166 2100 HandMan I am hungry 2007-11-21
167 2100 Greennud Ya 2005-08-05
168 2100 Greennud Ya 2005-08-05
169 2090 santos hi 2005-12-09
170 2060 A M T jou 2005-03-24
171 2060 itom if I dnt hv a user, who wrt me 2005-06-18
172 2040 Mad Mats It's not over, IT'S GAME OVER 2006-04-20
173 2020 Nicolas 2005-06-01
174 2020 ss sssss 2005-03-19
175 1990 Varjak 2011-12-10
176 1970 Regili 70 more points this time 2008-06-12
177 1960 max 2006-04-30
178 1950 sam b winners play 2005-07-01
179 1920 ss ss 2005-03-19
180 1900 Regili least i got to level 2 2008-06-12
181 1850 qwer qweer 2005-08-23
182 1840 Varjak 2007-01-29
183 1840 Varjak 2007-01-31
184 1800 sdgfsdgsd 2006-01-16
185 1790 RoZZa 2006-04-28
187 1730 qwe qwe 2005-08-23
188 1650 Xx-Jess-xX im the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oj 2006-10-20
189 1650 Alzella If it moves, hit it till it stops. 2006-11-12
190 1610 cs 56 2005-04-25
191 1580 Bubba To have one is to own one 2006-07-23
192 1550 Greg Johnson doh 2012-12-08
193 1530 RoZZa ? 2006-04-28
194 1520 kevin c ballinn 2007-12-11
195 1510 Hi Becca! <3 2005-04-18
196 1510 Jason D stfu 2007-02-13
197 1480 dee 9876 2006-05-04
198 1470 Jason Dallas Wow, this game is hard! 2005-12-10
199 1400 yan 2008-09-11
200 1380 dtgxg zsfh 2008-04-14

Rules & Regulations

Collect the missing pieces of the picture, dodging the suicide cars (running clockwise). Select track by just holding the mouse above the desired track. Use the mouse button to increase the speed and <space> to decrease it.

Each dot gives 10 pts, the squares 20 pts. Completing a stage gives 500 pts bonus. Bonus life for collecting the whole picture!

All players completing the first stage are entitled to a place in the Hall of Fame. There may, however, be no more than three entries from the same machine (the lowest rank will be deleted when a fourth entry is added).

To play another game after Game Over, you must press reload. This is on purpose and not a bug! Speaking of bugs, there really is one bug, which under special circumstances prevents you from crashing. This would be very easy to fix, but I think it's kinda fun to have it there!


vdCars was created in Microsoft Visual J++ v6.0. All programming by Dan Byström, Visual Design Softscape AB.

Ekeforshus Ekeforshus AB 2002-05-24